I am lucky to be part of a fantastic Mother's Group, and a whole new crop of babies are joining the world and the group. I got to photograph sweet Baby Kian last Tuesday. He is such a sweet little person already. Unpredictable, adorable and chubby! :) His mama told me he normally sleeps in the afternoon but this sweet little boy was wide awake when I got there and finally fell asleep for the last forty five minutes of the session. I'd forgotten how small newborn babies are, and how cute they are! The sweet little noises they make, the way they try to lift their head, the way they blink at the bright lights of their new world.

So beautiful Amanda, I may be biased but I am going to say it anyway :)! I had not seen your blog until today, I am so glad you linked to it on facebook so now I can keep an eye on it.