It was a beautiful day, after the weeks upon weeks of unending rain, the day felt new- special, even. I drove to the outermost point of Watsonville (seriously, I'm not sure if it even WAS Watsonville) to take Megan's maternity pictures. I have known Megan and her husband Ray for about three years now- three years ago they decided to take a chance on some enthusiastic girl with a camera. They hired me to do their engagement session and then their wedding. There is nothing better in the world than people who have confidence in you. :)
They have only gotten more special and wonderful as time has passed. Hanging out with them on that bright sunny day reminded me of what marriage is about. Strange I know, considering it was a maternity shoot, but the last time I really hung out with them, they were just married. Brand spankin' new. Now, the newness of the rings has worn off, but the incredible love between the two hasn't. Being a photographer is great, but being a friend is much more rewarding. I have gotten to be a part of Megan and Ray's high points in their life- their engagement with the fluttery, giddy love, their wedding with the trusting, warm commitment, their expectant waiting for their daughter with the fear and pure excitement intermixed. And once their daughter makes her entrance I will get to document their first few months as a family. I couldn't ask for more as either a friend, or as a photographer.
They have only gotten more special and wonderful as time has passed. Hanging out with them on that bright sunny day reminded me of what marriage is about. Strange I know, considering it was a maternity shoot, but the last time I really hung out with them, they were just married. Brand spankin' new. Now, the newness of the rings has worn off, but the incredible love between the two hasn't. Being a photographer is great, but being a friend is much more rewarding. I have gotten to be a part of Megan and Ray's high points in their life- their engagement with the fluttery, giddy love, their wedding with the trusting, warm commitment, their expectant waiting for their daughter with the fear and pure excitement intermixed. And once their daughter makes her entrance I will get to document their first few months as a family. I couldn't ask for more as either a friend, or as a photographer.
This note was stuck to the fridge and reads:
Once upon a time, there was a husband who loved his wife. But even that husband didn't love his wife as much as I love mine.
I pretty much melted into a puddle right then and there and the session hadn't even started.
Once upon a time, there was a husband who loved his wife. But even that husband didn't love his wife as much as I love mine.
I pretty much melted into a puddle right then and there and the session hadn't even started.

I know lots of people like their Chuck's. Millions. Billions. But no matter who I see them on, or where, they always remind me of Megan and Ray. They both wore chucks on their wedding day and they never fail to remind me of the two of them.

I seriously loved their property- mustard flowers everywhere, apple orchards, and the old car in the above pictures.

I honestly couldn't believe Megan was game for this- I asked her (the 36 week pregnant lady!) to lay down in the middle of the street and she did it without hesitation. Did I mention that I love her?

And she worked it out! Now, I don't know about the rest of you who have been pregnant, but in my pregnancies I gained about 50 extra pounds, had jowels that hung low to my chin and basically was a slob. Hair unkept, sweatpants eternally on, and just in a general state of unattractiveness the entire last trimester. I saw none of that from Megan. She makes pregnancy look sexy. Which is crazy and an oxymoron. But Megan is just that kind of a gal. :)

Whoa! These are amazing Amanda!